| | |  | | | Amy Yu on Getting Back in the Game Program Director Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), Senior Division |
|  | It isn’t often a leader talks about measuring success by higher rates of turnover. Usually, one of the main goals of a successful program is retention, and the absence of that can be an indicator of something not quite working the way it should. But for Amy Yu, Program Director, Workforce and Engagement Services, that’s exactly the barometer she uses. “They’re not supposed to stay here,” she says. “We’re trying to get them in our program, trained, address their barriers and get them out as soon as possible. They have to get back in the game.” |
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| |  | Getting Ready to Give Everything we do, we do it TOGETHER, and we’re gearing up for #GivingTuesday2021! Find out how you can get ready with us. felton.org/donate Watch the Video... |
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| |  | Finding Mayes: Felton Honors San Francisco Suicide Prevention History There is an old black and white photo of a dapper young man, sleeves rolled, tie loosened, and hair slicked, listening intently to a caller on the phone; behind him, office workers read from a book titled Suicide. The man is Bernard Mayes [1929-2014], a gay Anglican priest from Britain, and founder of the San Francisco Suicide Prevention (SFSP) program. |
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| Felton and You: Together We Thrive For years, thousands would gather in November at Union Square to witness one of San Francisco’s time-honored traditions: the lighting of the “Great Tree.” People from all walks of life could be seen watching the 83-foot-tall pine come to life, and reflecting a collective hope for the good of the community. For that moment in time there is a connectedness, a brief acknowledgment of the interdependence of those around. And yet, one in four families in attendance struggle with challenges that make it next to impossible to thrive. |
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|  | Follow our 2021 Giving Tuesday Campaign on Social Media! | |
| | | In Their Own Words – How Co-Location Strategies Support High-Quality Child Care and Strong Communities |
|  | “We want to expand access because the benefit is to the community” – Dr. Yohana Quiroz talks everything ECE, Co-Locations, and planning for the future! |
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| | Mission Promise Neighborhood’s Collective Impact Work to Improve School Readiness for our Kids |
|  | We've been busy helping kids prep for school, ensuring they are healthy, happy and supported during the pandemic. Check out the latest from MEDA. |
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| |  | | | |  | Did you know that you can shop online, from the comfort of your home and still generate fundraising for Felton Institute? In cooperation with AmazonSmile, you could make a difference by helping others in need, with minimal effort. HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: 1. Go to Smile.Amazon.com. It should automatically prompt you to confirm that you want to support Felton Institute. 2. Once you select Felton Institute, each time you shop, 0.5% of your purchase will be donated to Felton Institute, allowing you to help us help others. If you are new to Amazon or already have an existing account, please know that AmazonSmile offers the same products, prices and overall shopping experience as Amazon.com. Thank you for supporting Felton Institute! |
| | | | Created by Felton Communications © Felton Institute 2021 | (415) 474-7310 | communications@felton.org Felton Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under EIN 94-1156530 |
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